Seyram A. Butame

You see the Black Skin Blue Eyed Boys/ They ain't gonna fight no wars.

Ketanji Brown Jackson Confirmed to SCOTUS

09 April 2022

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed to the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) the other day, and it was such a monumental occasion. Black people (and Black women specifically) have bled for too long not to have their perspectives adequately represented in the nation’s highest court. Judge Brown Jackson is not the first black person on the Court or the first woman, but she is the first black woman, and hers is a perspective that has long been necessary. Additionally, Judge Brown Jackson is immensely qualified and experienced, to the point where it made the behavior of GOP senators during the confirmation process quite the spectacle. While I am not likely to agree with all her rulings in the future, a more diverse SCOTUS can only be good.

As noted, Judge Brown Jackson is the first black woman on the SCOTUS, and her current position is not one I envy. Being the first from a historically marginalized group is always a challenging ride in the US. You are not there just for the job, but you’re responsible for carrying the expectations of those in your group and refuting the biases held against you. It is not a fair position to be placed in, but it is the way things shake out. Furthermore, the SCOTUS has become politicized in recent times, where conservative originalists determined to hold back the tides of progress dominate the Court. But, I am sure Judge Brown Jackson will do her utmost to drag this country further toward positivity.

Clip Source Janett Wieselman (@JarettSays) on Twitter