You see the Black Skin Blue Eyed Boys/ They ain't gonna fight no wars.
An alternative data set to practice creating visualizations
I came across a great dataset today, so I decided to note it here so I don’t forget.
Palmer Penguins dataset is meant to provide an alternative to the iris
that is often used in Tidyverse to provide examples. You can fork the necessary data from the following: The penguins data is useful for carting visuals because for example the D3 Brushable Scatterplot Matrix uses the dataset to demonstrate a powerful visualization technique.
Image Source: Ian Johnson (
I have started using it for some tutorial work with learning how to use D3.js in observable. There was a great tutorial conducted as part of an Observable live stream with Ian Johnson and Anjana Vakil called, Lunch in the D3 Kitchen: Penguin Dataviz
data(package = 'palmerpenguins')
HEX Image Source: The artwork is courtesy of @allison_horst (