Seyram A. Butame

You see the Black Skin Blue Eyed Boys/ They ain't gonna fight no wars.

Palettes and Tables

My favorite color palette and learning to style a table

Styling a table in markdown

I love the tableau color blind palette1. This particular palette is a series of blues, oranges, and greys that are easy on the eyes and help make viewing figures, tables, charts, and sundry visualizations quite pleasing. I have decided to capture those colors here, should I need to reference them for various projects. Additionally, I get to learn how to create stylized tables in Markdown.

    .heatMap {
        width: 100%;
        font: 100%/30px 'Roboto', sans-serif;
        text-align: left;
    .heatMap th {
        background: #ffffff;
        word-wrap: break-word;
        text-align: left;
    .heatMap tr:nth-child(1) { background: #1170aa; }
    .heatMap tr:nth-child(2) { background: #5fa2ce; }
    .heatMap tr:nth-child(3) { background: #a2cce8; }
    .heatMap tr:nth-child(4) { background: #c85200; }
    .heatMap tr:nth-child(5) { background: #fc7d0b; }
    .heatMap tr:nth-child(6) { background: #ffbc79; }
    .heatMap tr:nth-child(7) { background: #57606c; }
    .heatMap tr:nth-child(8) { background: #7b848f; }
    .heatMap tr:nth-child(9) { background: #a3acb9; }

<div class="heatMap">

Description HEX RGB CMYK
Dark Blue #1170aa 17, 112, 170 90%, 34%, 0%, 33%
Medium Blue #5fa2ce 95, 162, 206 54%, 21%, 0%, 19%
Light Blue #a2cce8 163, 204, 233 30%, 12%, 0%, 9%
Dark Orange #c85200 200, 82, 0 0%, 59%, 100%, 22%
Medium Orange #fc7f0a 252, 125, 11 0%, 50%, 96%, 1%
Light Orange #ffbc79 255, 188, 121 0%, 26%, 53%, 0%
Dark Grey #57606c 87, 96, 108 19%, 11%, 0%, 58%
Medium Grey #7b848f 123, 132, 143 14%, 8%, 0%, 44%
Light Grey #a3acb9 164, 173, 186 12%, 7%, 0%, 27%

Banner Theme: Our star seen at different wavelengths by NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) (Credit : NASA Goddard Visualization Studio / Tom Bridgman.)